East Ridge

A high-alpine climb via the east ridge to the Parstleswand (3.085 m ). We master 12 pitches in mostly good rock quality in grade III. – IV. (UIAA) and get to the summit.


€ 560,00

Price applies for 1-2 persons.

Tour Highlights


We start at the Kaunergrat hut and hike up to the Steinbockjoch col. Then we go down in direction to the Mittlebergle lake. On an altitude of 2.700 m we leave the trail an go to the entry of the Parstleswand east ridge (1,5 h from the hut).

The we clcimb 12 pitches and 250 vertical metres up (grade III-IV UIAA). Descent on the normal route and then back to the hut.

good to know